True Life in God Messages

Notebook 103 True Life in God 1061 come to meet Me while stepping out of this life; I want you to be in royal purple, merry, with the joy of your Lord; I want you to be filled with divine light, shining from within and without; I want you to be faithful with My Faithfulness, blameless with My Perfect Image, pure with the One who is Pure; listen! have the rays of the sun in its glory or the glow of the moon ever overshadowed My Love I have for you? for the sake of My Name and for the sake of the Love I have for you, I have shown Myself to all of you; into your room I have come to visit you with My Divine Presence; sometimes I have come as a fragrance of myrrh, at other times I swirled as the smoke of incense, perfuming you and your room; have I not appeared as a ray of light in your heart as well? My glorious Presence is everywhere; I fill the earth with My Love, and how many times have I not left My Throne, stooping over you, blowing secret kisses on you? come, all you who yearn discipline, come and learn how to acclaim Me not only by words, but by good acts of love; let your tongue speak of Me, of My Divinity, of He who is First and Last, of He who fathered you, of He who embellished you and turned you into a cathedral; deprive Me not of this joy; I have graciously allowed you to grow in My House; so instil some joy and gladness into Me by saying the ‘Our Father’ in the manner My Father taught it to My daughter; do not be as the scattered bones of Ezekiel’s vision, but be filled with the glory of My Holy Spirit that I had conferred to My disciples and grow in use while you fade out with misuse, never ceasing to call on My Name to revive your fidelity and instil in you My vivifying substance; have you ever heard the parable of the talents? 1 have you not noticed how My House2 is summoning all of you to enrich His House? have you not noticed that this is a time of reckoning and proving your fidelity? I have been conferring to all of you sanctifying graces during these anointed years; the poor have received as well as the rich; I have not deprived anyone; but the Master of the House now asks you to come forward to prove your faithfulness to Him so that He may tell you: “well done, good and faithful soul, you have shown you can be faithful in small things, then I will trust you with greater; come and join in your Master's happiness!” do not disappoint your Master and oblige Him to tell you: “what have you done for Me? I have not seen any good works from you;” virtuous you can become too if you truly repent and open your heart to Me so that I pour healing ointment in you; do not be cut off from Me, allow Me to fill your mind with My Presence and My Heritage will be yours; overwhelm Me with joy and grow tall and strong like an ivory tower; therefore, do not be surprised when I said: “I will descend in the valley to see if My vines are budding and if their blossoms are opening;” why are some of you dismayed at My inquiries? are you, perhaps, royal House of Mine, pursuing the wind? 3 for if you are, wind you will become; I am true to the greatness of My Mercy and to deliver you from your scorching apostasy, My child, 4 I have, and am still sending you unceasingly the Holy Spirit who deifies you, uniting you to Me; look now and learn: 1Mt. 25:14-30. 2 At the same time I heard as well: “have you not noticed how the Master of the House ...” 3 I understood that “wind” stood for “vanity”. 4Jesus speaks to everyone.