True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 103 1058 for the sake of My Holy Name, I am demonstrating but releasing as well from heaven with majestic glory, My Power and My Mercy to save all of you ... I bless you ... ic; (This message took several weeks to finish.) May 2, 2001 My daughter, have Me in your heart always and let Me always be like a song of praise in your heart; see how My Eyes are on you? I will keep instructing My Knowledge to you in My Royal Courts, teaching you always the way to go; as I am your Counsellor and Teacher, smile, let your face smile because grace enfolds you! in My Palace and in My Royal Courts of My Kingdom, My glory thunders and everyone hear cries: “Glory!” I, who am Almighty, King and Sovereign, have given you tribute to walk on sapphires1 instead of red hot coals; I have led you, and through you many others, in the path of unity and reconciliation, but just for this mere act of Mercy from My part, false witnesses rose against Me2 and hissed their violence against My given Words and all the substance in them that vivify souls; but do not worry, I am known to topple seats, arguments and power; today in your days, I am revealing to the whole world what I have said about the blindness of some of your shepherds; 3 these shepherds raise their hands towards Me in the Sanctuary exalting My Sacrifice, but fail to control their spirit of anger and pride while flashing fearful sparks from their eyes; 1Sapphires represent virtues. 2 I understood that the "Me" was also meant for myself. Christ connected me in Him expressing Himself in that way. 3Some Greek Orthodox monks and priests. righteous and just they proclaim they are, but in reality they are walking carcasses; they ride high declaring their righteousness, their faithfulness to Me, but do not dread to contradict My entire Gospel in front of the eyes of all My saints and angels here in Heaven! My commandments epitomise faithfulness and their lips should have been uttering Holy Wisdom, but what I hear from them are boasts, increasing thus My Tears on the icons; when a shepherd falls as low as that, he should go back to learning all over again My methods and the elementary principles of interpreting My precepts and My Law of Love; have I not said: “you shall love your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and that you shall love your neighbour as yourself?” have they not learnt that in Judgment Day they shall be judged according to the measure of the love they had on earth? how can they believe that they live in Me and are rooted in Me when they are at the mercy of the evil one? coarseness of language, violence of heart, are elements that contradict My Heart; they are not fastening their attention on holiness, faith, love and peace as Scripture teaches you; have they not read: “a servant of the Lord is not to engage in quarrels, but has to be kind to everyone;” I once said4 that their Church is crumbling like rotten wood and that all that I hear from them is: “is there a drought?” they thrust slanderous accusations to their faithful brother, 5 committing a mortal sin; thus, from their own lips maggots are creeping out of their decaying bodies because they have established a monopoly of ostentation and presumption in their heart; how much more am I to put up 4 In the message of February 18, 1992. 5The Pope John Paul II.