True Life in God Messages

Notebook 103 True Life in God 1057 having obtained hope in your heart you will remain confident because where the Spirit is there is freedom; light and darkness have nothing in common, neither has hope and despair; the Holy Spirit is not an ally of Satan and you who have received the pledge of Hope have no common grounds with Despair who in reality is Satan; by receiving the Treasure of Hope your face will brighten up and will take the brightness of My Majesty and Splendour; yes, you will all grow in brightness as you will be turning into My glorious Image; this can only be drawn from My Heart ... so entreat with all your heart the Spirit of Hope who will radiate in your spirit and will draw you into the delights of heaven to delight in Him ... a Voice from the heights of Glory is calling proclaiming the Treasures that were kept for your times; do not say: “I looked and have not seen them;” I am advancing like the clouds above you, yet many say you do not see Me, generation; you rove to and fro through the riches of the world, but when it comes to see the spiritual treasures that can be poured on you to vest you with Myself in majesty you pay no attention; were you given the grace to see yourself the way I see you with My divine Eyes you would lament, beating your breast, and you would take to the desert; your pitiable sight would have turned you inside out; but were you to see yourself dressed with Me, I tell you, you would be proclaiming My greatness unceasingly; have you not read that: “I will set your stones on carbuncles and your foundations on sapphires and that I will make rubies your battlements, your gates crystal and your entire wall precious stones?” 1 have you not understood that by acknowledging My Heart you will be 1All of this quotation applies to the soul. renewed prodigiously? and from a ruin rebuilt? have you not understood My holy Wisdom when she uttered that: “your sons will be taught by Yahweh and that prosperity of your sons will be great because you will be founded on integrity? I am now revealing these Treasures, though not all, for your transfiguration and your deification; listen and your soul will prosper and will live ... I have fathomless Treasures in My Heart and I have been providing them to all of you without money; then, as the earth yields and gives growth to provide seed for the sower and bread for the eating, so is the Word that goes from My Mouth does not return empty, without carrying out My Will and succeeding in what it was sent to do;” 2 My Word is given to you to invigorate your hand to grip on the hem of My tunic and not let go; let your feet from now on pursue the Path of Virtue and by bowing just a little more your ear, you will understand Holy Wisdom and Her utterances; come, you who still err in this wilderness aimlessly, come to Me and receive, My child, for My child you are, My Peace and your soul and heart will blossom; Theme of my praise, King, Majesty and Sovereign throughout the whole universe but Heaven as well, tell me: what is man that You should spare even a thought for him? yet, You are reminding us once more, that You have made us little less than a god, 3 by calling us, continuously, to receive the crown of glory and splendour and to share Your Kingdom! 2 Is. 55:10-11. 3Ps. 8:5.