True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 103 1056 your toiling will be of avail; your achievements profitable for your sanctification and for My Glory and My Throne; you will stray no more from the path of Truth for you will have Me as your Holy Companion; I will be your Spiritual Director, directing your step with My Royal Sceptre; Sovereignty will be with you and the power of the Most High will be upon you to shed light at your feet; if you would choose to follow the Path of Virtues, it will mean that you have chosen Me to be your King so that I reign over you; thus the Holy Spirit will grant you Wisdom, for having chosen to tread the way of good people, persisting in the Path of the upright; behold the innumerable Treasures of My Sacred Heart; so far I have been instructing you about the Treasure of the Knowledge of God and of understanding Him; then of the Treasure of Mercy, then of the Treasure of intimacy and of how to possess God, and then of the Treasure of the Path of Virtues; now I will give you an understanding of the Treasure of Hope that comes from the Holy Spirit; hope brings forth joy and consolation in your heart and although one could carry in his heart all the hardships imaginable, the carrier1 of the Holy Spirit overcomes all of them because the Holy Spirit will be chanting to him hymns of consolation and love, helping him thus to overcome the hardships and lift his spirit, invigorating him to walk with dignity; Hope, therefore, is a gift from the Holy Spirit; can a man put his hopes on the riches of the world, that captivate so many hearts, and do not bring you in touch with God, and still feel happy? when he knows that these do not last for ever and will not give you eternal life and glory either? no, no one could be happy, when 1The soul who ‘carries’ inside her the Holy Spirit. his soul is captive only to the riches of the world; the outcome will be bitter as wormwood; but happy is the man who turns to Me; I can make him rich through his poverty; I can enrich him through all the Riches that My Heart contains; in My Heart lies all paths that lead to happiness; when you will discover the Treasure of Hope you will hear yourself sounding like ripples of water by your laughter, at the sound of your laughter all heaven will be rejoicing for your eyes are going to look on a King in His celestial beauty and no more on the polluted riches of the world; yes, you will regard your silver and gold that you once idolised, as unclean; then, the Viper who held you prisoner will never again nest in you because the Holy Spirit who is your Hope but Guardian as well will be dwelling well within you and you in Him; you will find yourself shouting for joy, everlasting joy will be marked on your face; joy and gladness will go with you and sorrow and lament will be ended; yes, the Treasure of Hope comforts and consoles your spirit; Scriptures say that when you pray, understanding is given to you; if till today you do not understand Me it is because you do not pray; here I am, I do not hold silver or gold nor any precious stones in My Hands to offer you, but instead I hold something priceless: My Heart, with its inexhaustible treasures within it; will I hear as from a new-born baby a first wail? will you be willing to be born of Me? do you now understand My language? have you noticed, beloved ones, how I have sent My angels to stand by your gates and watch over you in these dark hours that pass by? you should rely more on My saving help; the Spirit who is your hope will invigorate you by sealing your forehead with My Name;