True Life in God Messages

Notebook 103 True Life in God 1055 the grace I have given you, saying, “it is of no value;” Divinity is in front of you, generation, Spring is bending all the way to reach you in your gloom; do not moan and bemoan anymore, I am inviting you to take refuge in Me, generation; so come! I have been giving you, a light of revelation in your darkness, to revive not only your hope but also your faith and your love; I intend to save and no one can stop Me; your times are times of Mercy, this is why I am sending My word to the earth, a light of revelation to give sight to the blind; have you not heard how God is tenderness and pity, slow to anger, full of faithful love and I embrace all creatures? I have been communicating to your soul, generation, great things, but the greatest of all is the manifestation of Myself; My divine and frequent visits to you are a gift from your King displaying His faithful love; exalt your God, earth, who rescues you! the heavens declare My glory, yes, all the vault of heaven proclaims My Works! praise Me for the wonderful knowledge which I give you in your so wretched times where faith in the Triune God is close to non-existent, and where love towards God and neighbour has grown cold; yet, despite everything, My Holy Spirit never ceases to pour out on you His Love; and We never withdrew in giving Ourselves to you; I have been revealing My gifts and My treasures openly to everyone with delight and with trembling Lips and emotion I make My Blessedness known to you allowing you to glimpse in the depths of My Heart showing what glorious treasures were kept for your so evil and rebellious times; contemplate My riches, contemplate the light of My Glory because this is above all theology; now in order to elucidate certain sayings of Mine regarding the treasures of My Sacred Heart and to progress your soul into the depths of Wisdom and of the knowledge of Myself, I will ask you daughter to open the eye of your intellect to absorb all the light I will infuse in you so that I can transmit to you My knowledge; I might appear to some to be repeating Myself, but My pedagogy is perfect and most edifying for your soul; I will grant you to understand the valour of My treasures; remember that one of the noblest treasures and most inestimable one is the Knowledge of your God as thrice holy, since with this treasure you obtain God’s intimate friendship, and God Himself; among other treasures, I have as well the treasure of the Path of Virtues; this Path of Virtues is laid out by My Father; it is a Path covered by sapphires, a delightful entry to Heaven; to be able to enter Heaven and in My Royal Courts where you can walk in and out among My Angels and Saints since you will be counted as one of them, your heart should be found faultless towards My Divine Will; this Path is laid out at everyone’s reach and it is up to you to enter this Path that leads to Life; if you decide for Me, and you enter the Path of Virtues, immediately it will light up your face, and at the end of this Path I will be waiting for you to crown you with rosebuds that never wither while you would be praising My Holy Name thrice holy; come and do not say you do not know the hidden things of God; do not say that you have no hope for your reward of holiness, for I have created you to be immortal and holy; I have created you to rule with Me even while you are still on earth; I can deify your image if you receive the treasure of the Path of Virtues; blessed is he who receives this treasure and uses it; while walking on these sapphires you will gain hope in your heart because