True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 102 1054 is, so will be the inhabitants of his city ...” 1 then I, in My turn, will reveal to you the heavenly hosts while singing to you religion and righteousness in poetry; I will assemble all the saints in heaven, I will assemble all the courts of heaven to reveal to them My majesty and My sovereignty in you and how I made out of you a royal diadem for My Head, a royal prodigy of your times; all your ornaments will be divine as they would be offered by Me; your former slavery will become freedom in Me; today, I am looking down from heaven to count the clean hearts: – what am I to say? was My Sacrifice in vain? My Spirit is broken ... I sacrificed Myself for you in order to set you free from all wickedness and to purify a people so that it could be My very Own and would have no ambition except to do good; I have done everything so that you could be justified by grace and become heirs to My Kingdom; I have been intensively teaching you all and with great compassion, My Law, renewing you with the Holy Spirit of Grace, even to repeating Myself invariably; I now teach, giving you instructions in the way of Holy Wisdom; it is not a new doctrine but the same one of the Bride, 2 in which you can rely on; you all belong to My House; since I have bought My House with My Own Blood and I have shed every drop of My Blood for everyone ... you are My House3 ... you have asked, daughter, in the beginning4 that I pronounce My Will; I repeat to all of you that My Will is that you work with love in the Light of My Spirit so that you may all be one; ic; 1Si. 10:2. 2The Church. 3Heb. 3:6. 4Of this message. (The above message was not given in one day; the day it started was January 20 and it continued for several weeks and through the next months, because of my intensive travelling.) Unknown date, 2001 Lord, Scriptures say, in fact it is You who said: “I still have many things to say to you but they would be too much for you now; but when the Spirit of Truth comes He will lead you to the complete Truth;” It is also well known that it is wrong to speak of an end to Revelation and treat it as a deposit of sentences. You are alive and active and You will continue to manifest Yourself through the Holy Spirit, never stopping in doing so. Christ, You are the full and complete revelation of the Father, that is why the term ‘complere’ is given. But that does not mean that You have given us Your Last word. peace, My child, the Holy Spirit of Truth will never stop testifying; again I will say: “happy the pure in heart, they shall see God;” I give sight to those who do not see but I prevent the wise and the clever to enter through the door of knowledge; entering through this door one receives light and an understanding of all My sayings, 5 and at the same time an acknowledgment of My Presence ... but the man who glories in his own glory remains outside this door; 6 he remains in the dark; flesh is flesh and will have the vision of flesh; but who is born of the Spirit will be given sight and will see God; garland of My Soul, let me flow more in you; lift your eyes to Me and commit yourself and everything you have to My Will; increase your fervour; do not listen to those who persecute you and set aside 5Scriptures. 6Like the Pharisees.