True Life in God Messages

Notebook 102 True Life in God 1045 delicate girl, I will share something with you: soon I shall let the dragon eat its own tail, I am soon to issue orders from heaven; I mean to restore My House; I will re-erect My Eucharist in the houses1 that have been despoiled of My Presence and they shall become holy; you2 have been pillaged from My Sovereignty, razed to the ground by the dragon, yet, I tell you, I tell all of you: My Spirit will be poured out on the earth to drench it with the dew of heaven and the grass of the earth will be greener, and the trees will bloom and their foliage will be beautiful and their fruit abundant, yes! abundant, wait and you shall see! 3 “who tells you, you will last forever? you soared long enough like the eagle, setting your nest and sting among the stars; 4 now, come and face Me into battle; you will not be facing Abel; I will fling your dagger down; you have plundered My House, and you stole from within It what was most Precious; you have stolen to your heart’s content; you have passed the gate of My people and you have blinded them; but now, your time is over, although you still believe you can extend your dark kingdom to mislead My people; no more of that; justice is ready to flow like water and My Spirit like an unfailing stream ....” the time is near when one will cry out: “ah, the times are so good now ....” come, I shall give you rest to gain new strength; live My messages and follow the path I have traced out for you .... ic; 1The Lord means churches. 2The Lord means the Church. 3The Lord suddenly turned towards the evil one (the dragon) and said those words. 4At the same time I heard "faithful". October 31, 2000 To all who love Your Heart, give them constant cause to say: “The Lord’s Heart in the end will triumph; the Lord’s Heart is like a divine Liturgy, carrying peace for its people; the Lord’s Heart is unshakeable, reigning transcendentally in the heights; come, come all of you who still waver for the cause of right, come to our Lord and you will flourish in His Heart, think this over and learn that your refuge is in His Heart ...” peace to you, My flower; tell Me, is there on earth any greater joy or glory than understanding My Heart? what ability has man without Me shedding in his intellect My divine light of understanding? the Holy One who is speaking to you and who transcends everything satisfies your thirst with the melody of His Voice to pass on My divine Words to all nations; what are My Words? My Words are a mystical contemplation to enlighten your mind by the Holy Spirit and penetrate into the sublime knowledge of God; soon I will be visiting the earth; the Sovereign, the One who most of you have forgotten tell you, generation: I shall take My stand on earth; so many of you ask: “how shall He come?” to this I reply: “do you not know that since time began and man was set on earth, the triumph of the wicked was always brief? the triumph of the wicked is almost over now because it will be swallowed up by My Triumph; just like the staff of Aaron that I turned into a snake and swallowed up Pharaoh’s snakes, in this same manner My Triumph will strike and swallow up the wicked man’s triumph;