True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 101 1044 I Am; ” The message above was not yet over but was left to continue.) I am the Supreme High Priest over all My House, this House that men pitilessly divided in their lack of love; so, am I to keep seeing My House being divided and in such rebellion and not intervene? what are they1 professing? in whose name are they professing their faith? I have cast down My Eyes not to see them while raising Me in their hands without faith, without holiness; yet, for the sake of My faithful ones, I descend in their hands; My Eucharist is given less and less importance; I, the Illustrious King, Majesty above all majesties, Sovereign above all sovereigns, call you by grace to eat this time the living Manna, the Bread of Heaven, in form of the Eucharist; and so I tell those churches whose clergy have not accepted My Mystery: “come to your senses and seek Me earnestly, master your resentment, as well, against My Mother; may every race know that My Flesh and Blood comes from My Mother; yes, My Body comes from the most Holy Virgin, from pure blood; blessed be Her Name! “to save all the humble of the earth who receive Me and to give them imperishable life I became Bread to give Myself to you; and through this Communion I sanctify all who receive Me, deifying them to become the flesh of My Flesh, the bones of My Bones; by partaking Me, I who am Divine, you and I become one single body, spiritually united; we become kin, for I can turn you into gods by participation; through My Divinity I deify men;” have you not heard: “you too are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you;” 2now I 1 Those who have not yet understood that they will have to bend in humility and love to unite. 2Ps. 82:6. am judged by men; the Garment3 that can cover you, adorning you majestically, giving you a metamorphosis, divinising you, is rejected by those churches who cannot comprehend My Mystery; today again I cry out from Heaven: “brothers, why are you undermining My Divinity? if you claim that you are the ones who know what is right, then why is your spirit plundering My Church? I am inviting you to reign with Me, I am inviting you to rule with Me, I am inviting you to celebrate Mass and partake of the Divine Mystery in the manner I truly instituted;” What if they do not listen? the arrogant will endlessly jeer at Me, but this is because they have swerved from My Light; I am present in My Eucharist, but unless they see My Divinity with spiritual eyes, they will continue to be like a drowsing man, who, never grasps anything you tell him; “what have you said? were you talking to me? eh?” he would ask; kingly and glorious these churches proclaim Me, they affirm My might, proclaiming My fearful power, singing their praises to Me, acknowledging My Omnipotence and My mighty wonders, but I become a stumbling stone when it comes to measure the magnificence of My Divinity and of My Presence in the Eucharist; today this is the stumbling stone rejected by the builders and they do not realise it is the keystone; and you, My daughter, continue to proclaim Me as your only Love, and tell your brothers and sisters those words: “the Lord is good, for He has taught me; He is known to teach and instruct the poor and the wretched ...” 3Symbolic name for Christ.