True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 101 1042 Assemblies? since all these words are empty with emptiness; what purpose do you serve? humble yourselves before you fall ill; let My Words be your educator, your counsellor and your delight; and you shall live .... October 16, 2000 The Lord is good for He has taught me; He is known to teach and instruct the poor and the wretched; My Father, your Father, is robed in Power and Majesty; let us with one voice praise Him and fulfil the vows you and I made to the Most High; Let us address our poem to the King; but how I fear to hear: “Have you been present at My Council?” do not fear, I have driven you out of beneath the ground, I have unburied you, and said: “peace will be yours, My child;” out of the land of Egypt I brought forth prophets and saints; a blessing on the land of Egypt, may its foliage remain green and the trees that grow by the river Nile prosper and continue to produce their fruit to feed its people; a glorious throne was set in each place, where the Virgin Mary, My Mother, Joseph the Just and Myself passed by; “Egypt, We tread on your soil and incense raised in heaven as we passed by; have you not read in Scriptures: ‘Ambassadors will come from Egypt,’ 1 1Ps. 68:31. why, did you not know that I have anointed you as well? 2 no less than the height of heaven over earth is the greatness of My Love for you; may your soil continue to produce food and keep you cheerful;” you asked, Vassula, whether I am fully in you, I, the Transcendent God; I have, My beloved, displayed My signs and wonders in the one I favoured and have anointed you in My exuberant Love; inebriated by your weakness, I held you in My Hands, while Oil dripping like distilled myrrh dripped all over you, covering your head with drops of anointed myrrh, taking the shape of sapphires, in order to present you to the Father who, when seeing all the signs of His Son on you, would bless you3 and would converse with you; in My extreme generosity I breathed on you My scent so that you spread its sweet smell around you, then, your enemies who are the dark forces guided by Lucifer and Satan and who are contradicting My Divinity will know that you have a Witness in Heaven and a Defender in the Heights that will uphold you until you accomplish your mission; does all of this appear to you as extravagant? why, no one is equal to Me! I am not a mere scroll of a book! My Vassula, I am not just a printed matter! so much lack of confidence as though you had received thorns in your hands and not blessings! 4 let your enemies in their malice raise their threats at you, at Me, at My Divinity; let them; none of these will be 2 Our Lord made me understand that Egypt too, as the Holy Land, should be considered as Holy. Our Lord made me understand that Egypt protected the Holy Family when They had fled there. Egypt fed and gave drink to Them, but mainly protected Them and God never forgets a good gesture. 3 It reminded me of Jacob’s blessing: Gn. 27. 4 That day I was suddenly ravaged by doubts, in my extreme weakness. The Lord patiently spoke to me as one speaking to a heart-broken child.