True Life in God Messages

Notebook 101 True Life in God 1041 incredulity; and how! how ingeniously you get round My Words in order to justify your incredulity! do you not realise that you have taken My Seat? do you realise that you are becoming the enemy of the whole human race? since hindering and diminishing the value of My Words through My prophets you are obstructing them from pronouncing My Will to My people and from gathering together and uniting the House of My Son? have you not heard: “where there is no vision the people get out of hand; blessed are they who keep the Precept;” 1 I am praying for this one who called out to you: “I have come to despair of all the efforts I have expended under the sun ....” and I tell him: “you have not toiled in vain; I have no pleasure in this division which is a grave sin, but unity is not beyond your reach”; many distorted words will come from many hearts, but am I not calling meanwhile? if you lose heart, turn to Me .... “My servants are formed from My Words”, My Spirit said to David; and you will recognise them in their speech and by what they utter; this generation is pining away, so will I not intervene in such an apostasy? the ravager is ravaging Our Vineyards, plundering the Scriptures and you know it; will I not intervene? look! My Abels are lamenting in the desert; My ambassadors of peace weep bitterly on the hardness of your heart as My Son wept bitterly over the hardness of heart, of Jerusalem, who persecuted every prophet .... Until when, Lord? 1Pr. 29:18. “Vision” is probably a prophetic gift; “the Precept” may be the prophet’s teaching or else the Law .... until they learn how to cry out: “blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord!” 2 and as for you, Vassula, I tell you: I find My delight in you when you observe and do not forget My Words that formed you and through you others; keep your eyes open to contemplate My inestimable treasures and My marvels of My Words; I have said, My Vassula, that contemplating the light of My Glory is above all theology; why, is there anything greater in the world than penetrating into your God and enjoying yourselves in His Presence? what is greater in the world than seeing Me, the Godhead? the One who is robed in Majesty and in Power is speaking to you; I transcend and reign in the heights of Glory, so that is where your eyes should be lifted permanently and you will be saved; this is what you should keep teaching this generation; go and recite My deeds so that this generation opens its heart to Me and that I, in My turn, open the gates of virtue on it; cry out to the shepherds guarding the Church and ask them: “has anybody out there tasted the sweetness and goodness of our Lord? is there anybody in there who excels in knowledge of God?” if you say ‘yes’, to the first question and ‘no’ to My second question, then, why are you persecuting Me? I entreated and you condemned; I visited you, shining My benevolence on you, but arrogance and hostility were your offerings to Me; I knocked at your door, but you did not open to Me and made sure your windows were barred as well; you made no room for your Lord; am I now to praise your discourse and your flow of words given to Me in My 2Mt. 23:39.