True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 101 1040 of prophecy; then what did you hear all these years? a heart? yes! that is what you came to see and hear; a heart formed from My Words, who defies the evil powers and the dominion of the Evil one, but that raises My Name in praise and glory, consoling the disheartened and the distressed, nourishing the starved with My Words; you came to hear a lenient heart formed by Me and from My Words; yes, My servants are formed from My Words, and to this day, I sit on My Throne commanding that city, inviting all the passers by: “who has decided to discipline his life in Me? who has made up his mind to be corrected and come and abide in Me? woe to faint hearts, woe to the listless heart, woe to the proud and stubborn heart, their weight of sin shall draw them down to hell! today again I come to you, generation, to form you from My Saving Words, and anoint you to do good; do not remain like a withered tree, come to Me and I will blossom you, and your fruit will be good; come to Me and when I will touch your lips, your lips will drip with kindness and you will be delivered from death;” Yahweh guides our steps, otherwise how can you on your own see where you are going? Yahweh’s Throne can only be mounted on kindness, Scriptures say it; and so it is .... so do not say, “with whose authority she1 has come to speak to us?” I am her Authority and this Authority has come to tell the mockers, 2 “I will 1Apparently God means me ... 2 God made me understand that He means the shepherds who behave like ‘Cain’ and do not pasture the sheep confided to them. They are those who are like wolves dressed in sheepskin; some of them have high positions, and persecute the ‘Abels’, the good and faithful shepherds and all His Good Works. expel you from your seats but I will lift the lowly to send them out and evangelise a dechristianised people;” I drew a long breath, sighing, while I was passing by those mockers; entirely overgrown is their spirit with nettles; as I was gazing on the Vineyard3My Son Jesus Christ left to them, 4 I drew another long breath; “where is the banquet of fine wines? of food rich and juicy, of fine strained wines? is this the place where a thousand vines used to be?” ah, generation, how I pity you! poverty is at your elbow and, like a beggar, want; 5 “eat honey, 6 since it is good; honey that drips from the comb is sweet to the taste and will save you!” says I; but nobody truly listens, only a remnant is eager to listen; a House was built by Wisdom, bought by Precious Blood; suddenly the vengeance of Satan rose to destroy It; “whom shall I send to do this work of destruction? why, I will send the Beast and his followers to tear down and divide, to profane and abolish that which is most Holy ....” when adversity came, I came to rescue, but no one truly, from the officials of the Church, listened; “it is only a private revelation, you need not lend your ear to it;” they would say; to conceal My Voice is a mortal sin; to sift Me through and through and scan Me is an abhorrent sin in My Eyes; will your incredulity say one day: “but look, we did not know; we did not know that we offended Your Mercy;” indeed you have offended My Mercy; not only have you offended My Mercy but you have allowed the evil powers to gain ground and despoil the House My Son bought with His Precious Blood, because of your 3Symbolic name for Church. 4The Keepers, which means the priests. 5Pr. 24:34. 6Symbolic for God's Word.