True Life in God Messages

Notebook 101 True Life in God 1039 From what Saint Paul says, it must be divine love in the being, which is infused by a constant inflow of Your own Love in that being, transforming thus that soul to progress into spiritual depths, leading it to grow in its love and become deified, god by participation; Your Love divinises and Love transforms our so evil image into Your Divine Image .... yes! Scriptures say: “fix your gaze on Yahweh and your face will grow bright”, which means, “you will be transformed into Yahweh’s likeness”; having given one’s self1 to God, this most visible sign of transformation takes place; from thereon other signs follow; the sign of joy, of peace, of growing charity and that is how, through charity a soul can obtain the Knowledge of the Triune God; the soul being transformed will be like a lamp shining from within and without with divine love and the Knowledge of knowing and understanding God; happy and freed from the world and its darkness, that soul will fly to Me, and remain in My Bosom; 2 aflame with love, inebriated by My Sweetness, this soul will fervently seek how to penetrate even deeper into the Most Holy Trinity; and I, the most delicate Bridegroom, will keep drawing that soul closer to the Flames of Love of My Heart and immerse her in Us to repose in Us and be able to rule with Us; how then can any soul refuse what I am offering? I had once said that everyone in Judgment Day will be judged according to the measure of the love they have had while on earth; what have you to say? I would say: “what quantities of good things You have in store for those who fear You, 1Will. 2Expression showing the intimacy. and bestow on those who make You their refuge, for all humanity to see ....” 3 and I will say to those who are still attached to the world, that if you decide for Me, sincerely, and intend to make peace with Me, when you call to Me and come and pray to Me, I shall listen to you; when you search for Me, you will find Me; I shall indeed let you find Me, and I will converse with you and you with Me for I have loved you with an everlasting Love, and so I still maintain My faithful Love for you; so come, come and tear away the veil that separates you from Me; come and contemplate the Holy One who will give you eternal life; September 28, 2000 From Your Temple, my Lord, hear my voice and let me hear Yours; let this generation open their ear to hear Your Words that are sweeter than honey, even than honey that drips from the comb; David said: “Your servants are formed from Your Words ...” 4 and so they are, for look! what have you all seen? what have you heard? an elite walking among the elite? a philosopher or a high ranked member of a theological academy? have you seen someone dressed in royal purple, wealth, and acquiring worldly knowledge? no? then you who went out to hear, what did you hear? an authority given by men? oh no, for those who seat themselves and govern you, are not anointed with the oil 3Ps. 31:19. 4Ps. 19:11.