True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 101 1038 I, the Bridegroom of the universe in all My Majesty, will come to him who would have declined wholly and My Spirit of Love will envelop him to draw him in the Bosom of the most Holy Trinity; then, such a soul having received such an intensity of light will obtain all the hidden mysteries and Riches of Heaven and will begin while still here on earth, to live as he would be living in heaven, for he will have stepped in the Beatific Vision; in other words, that soul will have a foretaste of what the Beatific Vision is like and will complete this Vision to its fullness the moment he will enter heaven .... have you heard the saying: 1 “all flesh is grass and its beauty like the wild flower’s; the grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our Lord remains forever;” and this is why your life is derived from My Word, revitalising you; flesh is flesh and flesh is frail, but My Word is everlasting and Life; to maintain your soul alive I will ceaselessly be giving Myself to you more and more, manifesting Myself to you in power and grace while I will be expressing My Heart to you and showing you things that no eye has seen and no ear has heard, things beyond the knowledge of man, for what is knowledgeable to men is not the Knowledge one acquires through My Holy Wisdom and that flows out from My Divinity; now that you have tasted the goodness of your Lord, Vassula, what have you to say? Your goodness My Lord acquitted me; without a single merit, You have acquitted me; I have done it so that you would have faith and hope in Me, your God; and what else have I done to you? 1 Is. 40:6-8. You have asked me to offer You my will; then .... 2then I poured My Love in you, to obtain love from you; it is on account of this I am speaking and repeating Myself to all of you; you can obtain the entire Godhead within you, dearest ones, Who will teach you sacred mysteries, sublime and Holy Knowledge that comes from Wisdom, and as a tree, Knowledge will be the tree growing in you with Wisdom as its root; and from this tree the virtues will sprout; you say, daughter, that many who read My Words do not penetrate their meaning because they find them mystical and sealed; now I have explained what you have to do to understand My Words; and in declining I will be the All of your soul, your life, your well-being, your inspiration, your goodwill, your hope, your love, your faith, your joy and your Bridegroom upon whom you could lean, and your resurrection; My loved one then will be selected as one amongst others of My collaborators who will be ruling with Me; then you could say, “I am living a true life in God, because I am participating fully in the life of the Most Holy Trinity”; yes, indeed; and although I fill all things without being contained by their limits, I can still dwell well inside a limited soul and become knowable to men without losing My transcendence; look at yourself, My Vassula, and tell Me: what is the sign of one's transformation? I believe there are many signs. you are right to say that there are many, but what is the most sublime sign of all? 2The Lord took over the sentence I had started...