True Life in God Messages

Notebook 101 True Life in God 1037 from Your Royal Throne to me, put a fresh song in my mouth; I will proclaim and sing Your Word to all races and nations; do you want Me to sweeten My Banquet? the Banquet that I have been giving you through all these years? shall I grant, My beloved, more of My Sweetness to invigorate your love and relieve and heal you? healing itself comes from Wisdom .... Ah yes! Lord, take pity on this ungrateful generation; let them acknowledge You in their life; let those1who heard and read Your message be freed from their lethargic spirit for they read without understanding; You have proved Yourself Merciful and Patient to them; let them acknowledge You as the Godhead who binds them in His Love; Is it too much to ask the Holy One who perfumes all the universe with His Love, to send new portents that contain Your Sweetness? Rouse them with fresh wonders that are as sweet as honey; let the forked tongue who persists his persecution on me but through me on You, be healed; take pity on those who call on Your Name day and night yet live without charity .... I satisfied you and others through My Divine Message with one of My greatest and noblest Banquets; a prodigious prodigy I prepared for your evil times, and I have granted you all to come and taste it; to taste My Banquet is to taste Me, your God and your Creator, so that you understand Me; 1Some people. Ah! my Lord! Your Words are mystical and hidden and many who read You in Scriptures and in these messages do not penetrate into their Knowledge, for Knowledge of God they are; they are illuminating our soul and intellect and giving light within us, yet, I know that there are those who read without penetrating in the wisdom of Your Words and they appear as though sealed to them; and yet, Your Words are True Contemplation, Wisdom and Truth .... whosoever listens to Me and not to his voice will penetrate into My Wisdom and My Words will flash in their soul like a mirror facing the sun; whosoever after having read My Words will decline and honour Me with generosity and love, the scales covering his eyes will fall and will see Me in My inaccessible glory; yes, for his eyes will see with full clarity what was invisible to him and inaccessible and kept only for the holy ones; perhaps My language sounds incomprehensible to you, generation, but have I not once said that on the day your scales covering your eyes will fall, on that day you will know that I am in the Father, and you in Me and I in you; have I not said that he who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me; and that anybody who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and show Myself to him; yes! and you will see Me in My glory; My fullness is lavishly poured out upon all of you and through My grace you become sons and daughters, heirs and heiresses of My Father as I am; you become with Me as Scripture says, 2 “a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, to sing to God praises, who called you out of the darkness into His light;” 2 1 P. 2:9.