True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 101 1036 ‘Lord, we have sinned and done wrong, for we have betrayed Your teaching; we have not listened to Your messengers and only took them lightly; they spoke in Your Name to all people of the countries; saving Justice is Yours; but we have not listened ...’ this is what We will hear; “you see, no matter how much Our child would be investigated and proven to be true, carrying all the signs that are needed and the blessings that come from above, the conspirators, with insolence, will pursue their evil designs; “over each nation they will have a governor and will be taking pleasure in their evil doings; but by her side, We will put a prince from Our Heavenly Courts, one of the highest ranked to be her guardian to help her detect the lying words and the perverted hearts; friends, rebels and sinners together will be called and revealed and Our golden stream will pour in their circles; and We, in their centre, will call each one of them by their name; “‘here is your Lord, your True Bridegroom coming with power; why, have you not heard that My Arm subdues all created things to Myself? should I deprive you now of My embraces on account of how you massacred My Body? or should I deprive you of My Merciful Love or My Goodness and not rouse you from your apathy? O no! My Love compels Me to save you as well and I will not deprive you of My embraces, nor would I deprive you of My sweetness, for had I, you would die;’ “Our eternal and Holy Wisdom that is sweeter than honey will court their hearts so that their hearts may flow with the sweetness of Wisdom and declare: ‘there is one God, one faith and one Church!’ this will be in Our Ears like a melodious hymn; this will be Our Triumph;” this was what We said when We assembled the Royal Courts of Heaven; be pleased to centre your thoughts on Me and on My Divine interventions, and you who say: “we do not need to see wonders”, I tell you: “put your hand over your mouth and do not look at My Merciful intervention as an aggression, grant My people the grace to be saved through the wonders I am doing in your dark era; so do what is right and that is to walk humbly with Me, your God;” My Vassula, learn that everything is under My Sceptre; come and contemplate My Saving Justice; How is it that they have not believed or understood Your Language? 1 They have not understood the Bridegroom’s language because I spoke in the terms of My Spirit and not in the terms learnt from human philosophy; so My beloved one, have the mind I have and praise Me, rejoicing and do not listen to those who have not responded to My Hymn of Love; believe in Scriptures which say: “how beautiful are the feet of the messenger of good news ...” 2 Scriptures never lie; be grafted in Me ....  August 5, 2000 I, Jesus Christ, bless you; Lord, You who pulled me from the mud of the mire, showing compassion, and who stooped 1Rm. 10:16. 2Rm. 10:15.