True Life in God Messages

Notebook 100 True Life in God 1035 “a well known populous city of Christ, known as the eternal city, will never cease rejecting Our Calls, like Sodom’s rejections, yet they will be claiming their openness and their openness to Our Spirit; but it will be the contrary, they will be crucifying all My given Words, nailing them to the wood; at this, many priests will stand in tears before the altar, and while sobbing they will say: “‘Lord, do not let ruin come upon Your House; You have seen the vindictiveness of those1who have sworn to go against all Your Holy Rules and play the sages instead for, as they say, the well-being of humanity; these very jackals mock your Divinity, and they shoot venomous arrows on our faith; to fortify Your people and to fortify and warn your priests, You descended in Your glorious strength among us, appointing the winds as messengers and flames of fire as Your servants to bring glory to You; You chose them to bear Your Holy Name and parade It to bring honour to You by fortifying Your Household and reassemble Your flock, and to help Your House be called once more: One House of prayer; we give You thanks for Your Merciful Love and for having found a way of arousing us all from apathy; “‘but now, look how, when corpses litter Your city2 and while the beast with its followers are trampling over them, rejoicing and celebrating over their death, look how they rejoice every time a negative judgment is pronounced by Your officials against Your chosen ones; so how much more will the Blood of Christ, who offered Himself, blameless as He was, to God through the Eternal Spirit, purify our conscience from dead actions so that we can worship the Living God? how much more do Your 1The evil forces. 2From the Apostasy. officials need to understand that by rejecting Your interventions ever so merciful they are becoming collaborators, without them knowing it, with the governor of the beast and his followers? “‘Lord, most Merciful, You have found a means of warning all of us of the one who flaunts the claim that he is God; but now, look how they have stormed up against You to stop the mouths of those who praise You; our Lord and Heavenly King, come to our help! reveal Yourself with power in these times of great distress;’ “a terrible oppression then will be put as a decree, although not a word will be in written form in the beginning; the holy ones and Our chosen souls will be constantly trampled underfoot and crushed, since through Our mouthpieces We reveal the schemes of the evil powers to warn Our people; We would be warning them from the beginning of Our Merciful Call that these evil powers who challenge Us, will be planning to alter the seasons and the Law; “then a time will come when Our Household will have no say over these powers of Satan and the dark forces, and still, they would not be understanding, even when they will be witnessing the sword raised against the Cross; the governor of the evil powers will be confiscating It from public places, and together with the beast and all his followers they will pursue their plan to dechristianise Our people, and still, Our officials will remain blind and will continue to ignore Our Merciful interventions, becoming associates with those who waged war on the Cross, without them knowing it; “then when they will realise that they had sinned, and that their constant debate of how it would be best to regulate and silence Our prophets was helping the enemy, they will confess: