True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 100 1034 any devotions, will learn as well to pray without ceasing .... today your Creator is telling you that in your silence I take My rest; in your amorous sighs for Me, your Lord and God, I receive garlands of perfumed glory; in your zeal for My House, I receive praise and My Body is soothed from My tormentors with the balm of your love; like a golden stream, beautiful to look at, I want to transform you for My Eyes, My beloved; I am your Creator and your Salvation; no, I have stepped in you without any merit from you but I, when I saw you, I loved you; I decided not to deprive you of My graces but neither of My Cross; to lead you into the centre of My Heart I had to diminish you, but I had neither lifted rod nor voice; I brought you to Me by My loving condescension; hardly were you reborn when My Spirit brought you to cry out: “Abba!” overwhelmed with joy, My Spirit, together with Me and the Father, blessed you thrice and immediately upon this, assembled the Courts of Heaven and said to them: “We shall win great honour from Weakness; the Victory will be Ours in the end, but, 1 when news will reach those who harm the Church, they will wickedly advance against Our child; hordes of hard heartened people will demonstrate their evil hearts with savagery, but she will cleave on to Us and will be an evident sign to all of them that the Triune God is with her; and although at one time she would appear to them as the loser, in a short time they will realise that all their scheming was brought to naught; 1As soon as this ‘but’ was pronounced, it seemed that all the Angels and Saints understood before hearing the rest, because of how it was pronounced, they knew that sad news would follow; immediately their expression of their faces were grave and solemn. “We will endow her spirit, for Our Salvific Plan, with courage and when she will speak for Us, she will speak with authority because she will be following Our Royal Command; “the officials in the beginning will take no notice of her and Our sayings; they will ignore Our Royal edicts, while Our Authority through her will be spreading out over every nation; and while Our Household will start renewing itself and being reborn through the Holy Spirit, the governor of the beast, the one who dares condemn Us, the one who treats noble hearts like criminals, will advance in massive strength against Our child and Our Noble Theme; but in reality his aim will be on Us, realising that Our Theme of Love endangers him2 and his followers, since We would be revealing them and their long time plan against the Church, revealing to all the nations that they would force them and chain them to be fed, one day with naturalism and the other day with rationalism, forcing their law on them, wanting to subdue My Voice; “and as Scriptures say, so it will be done; Scriptures say: 3 ‘they will scatter the flesh of your devout and shed their blood all around Jerusalem, and no one to dig a grave!’ because ‘the beast4 that comes out of the Abyss’, as Scripture says again, ‘is going to make war on them and overcome them and kill them; 5 their corpses will lie in the main street of the Great City known by the symbolic names Sodom and Egypt, in which their Lord was crucified;’ 6 2He and his followers are those evil dark forces of our times who own the world and who combat Christ’s Divinity and God the Father; they combat the Cross as well. 3 1 M. 7:17. 4The evil forces. 5Kill the mouthpieces who are sent by Christ and the Virgin Mary, in a symbolic way, by denying the fact that Mary and Jesus speak as two witnesses. 6Rv. 11:7-9.