True Life in God Messages

Notebook 100 True Life in God 1033 How is it that an endless and vile battle is being performed against Your Mercy by so many of Your House? How is it that, knowing Scriptures, they are not aware of the interior inspirations of Your Spirit? How is it that they cannot recognise the Three who bear witness in Heaven? 1 You, my God, in Your Supreme Love and Mercy, decided to choose an incapable and weak creature, appointing her to act, according to Your orders, commanding her to prophesy, and that is to pass on Your Word; She was taught to offer prayers, entreaties, and sacrifice, to win a hearing from You; she was taught to offer her will; I made, my Lord, every effort to present myself before You as a proven worker who has no need to be ashamed, but who keeps the message of truth on a straight path; I was called by You and I responded; I was called by You, and I acknowledged You; I was called by You and I repented of my sins; I was called by You and they accused me; They accused me and still accuse me because I answered You; You have anointed me to witness, but they raise their voice to drown Your Voice; My daughter, you have done loyal work through My Spirit, by helping My Church; you have been and still are at 1The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. the service of My people; you have responded to My Call; look, Vassula, My Mercy is offered to all who appeal to the Bridegroom; My Justice today permits My Mercy to approach the dead, 2 whose stench has reached My nostrils, to resurrect them; this is done by Divine Mercy; but the saving Justice of Mercy says this to all: do not allow your heart to dictate to you and tell you: “how is it possible that God speaks as much as that to this woman?” that is to bring down My Call of Mercy; in other words, it is to bring Me down; these people’s behaviour is modelled on the way of thinking of this contemporary world; have you not read: “who has ever known the mind of the Lord? who has ever been His adviser? who has given anything to Him, so that His presents come only as a debt returned?” have you not understood how rich and fathomless are My Wisdom and My Knowledge? how can a mere creature dare raise his voice and declare that he has reached to the root of My decisions or My Ways, without condemning himself? therefore, My daughter, everything there is, comes from Me and is caused by Me and exists for Me; yes, Vassula, I have called you and you answered Me, so that you speak for Me; I have called you to parade, as you said, My Mercy so that through this Divine Call many sinners would feel compunction and will be induced to make peace with Me and repent; then when they see the way I am treating you, and how many graces I have been pouring on you, others too may be attracted by My Tenderness and decide to change their lives and commence to live a true life in Me, knowing that once they decide for Me, they too will taste My sweetness; their devotions will increase and those who lived without 2Spiritual dead.