True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 100 1032 proclaimed to the pagans, believed in by the world taken up in glory .... 1 You came to ornament Your creation with a prodigious Love that scandalised a multitude, when You accepted the Cross, leaving so many mouths open like gaping graves; inebriated with Your Love for us, You accepted to die and irrigate Your flower-beds2 with Your Blood, in order to open Heaven and free us from the bondage of sin; Delight-of-the-Father, Streams of faithful Love flowed from Your Heart and in the folly of Your Love, Lover of mankind, You accepted the scandal of the Cross, and all its sufferings; O Spring of the universe, perfuming the universe, most lovable Bridegroom, You are visiting once more the earth, perfuming nation after nation, but until when will those who roam on this earth not notice Your Perfume? I am the Gateway through which the virtuous enter; not until they repent and make reparations will their nostrils open to inhale My sweet fragrance and revive; as for you, I want you as a lily, distilling purity, distilling myrrh on My Church to fragrance the House which I bought with My Own Blood through My Sacrifice on My Cross; remain near Me to spread your perfume all around; bear My Cross with tenderness and always remain enamoured of It; have My Peace; ic; 1 1 Tm. 3:16. 2Souls. June 6, 2000 Scripture tells us not to have fear in approaching the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace when we are in need of help; 3 Now, from Heaven, You are showing, and I would say, parading, Your mercy on us, to transform our actual state into a better state that will lead us into the way of salvation; the throne of grace decided, the throne of grace, disturbed by accumulated sins, stepped out and pronounced an order, “We have said, ‘blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God’, today, this generation, who feigns not to understand Us, will never ever see Us and in their state, will never reach their resting place; how, in their actual state of sin, will We ever make Our abode in them and they in Us? O devastated generation! “From Us alone will come salvation, Our Infinite Mercy compels Us to pour on this generation increased and unmerited graces; Our Mercy will save many of Our children who unceasingly resist Our Love; “From the throne of grace they shall receive mercy to attain the perfection that is required to enter Heaven; “Through Our mercy We will raise souls, but woe to those hearts that are so evil that they should want to diminish or disbelieve or calumniate Our mercy; it is with Justice that they will be punished for blaspheming on Our mercy!” 3Heb. 4:16.