True Life in God Messages

Notebook 100 True Life in God 1031 obedience to men, say the Scriptures1 and so I have obeyed and followed the heavenly instructions given to me;” “what did you say when they descended on you as conquerors, those very ones who wounded you and who say are friends to your Master?” “I have never asked myself why has this happened to me, because I made an oath to our God and Redeemer, signing it with my own blood to become the slave of our Saviour;” “and what does your Divine Master say to all of this?” “He who encompasses all beings without being contained by their limits is in mourning for His Household; many of His shepherds have laid His House waste; in their rebellion they have trampled down His Rules and have turned His glorious pastures into a desolation; their entire vineyard is ravaged as well; and the flock finding only barren lands and nothing to graze on, depraved, they died, 2 and they together with them died as well .... these things are happening and none of these seem to take it to heart; they have been assailed by their human rules and have failed Him;” “how do you know of so many things and see them?” “it is only through the Light of the Cross that one can perceive those things that are invisible to the eye; it is through the Eye of our Redemptive Instrument and of our Salvation that one sees all its bearings; but when it comes to know about these things, only through a joined divine union with Christ, being one with Him can one know from His Own Mouth of these things, and if one accepts to be 1Ac. 5:29. 2Spiritually. marked as ‘Slave of Christ’; yes, accepting divine slavery; one’s heart then is not only grafted on Jesus’ Divine Heart, but it is grafted as well on His Cross with all the bearings it could offer; they could be sorrows, but delights too; I am convinced that I belong to Christ and to the Holy Cross, for He has said so .... our Divine Master but Bridegroom too, plants us in His Heart and when we take root and flourish within His Heart, we bear ample and good fruit; we have become heirs to His Kingdom and gods by participation, his adoptive children; “God does not deprive me of Knowledge, but speaks to me in plain words, face to face, and His Voice is music to my ears, addressing me with majestic power His thoughts, He enlightens my intellect to understand the hidden sense of proverbs and in His smiles and delight He unseals mysterious sayings of Scriptures that were kept hidden from our eyes; “yes, there is a proper time for everything He does; my Lord and my God has sealed me with divine kisses, He has sealed my soul with the imprint of His Triune Holiness so as to draw me even more into the fullness of Their Deity;” ah, Vassula, see how My Father instructed you? rejoice then and be glad! You left Your Royal Throne and Your Glory to come to us, Lord, assuming the condition of a slave to serve us; no king was ever known to have served his subordinates, and yet You, Eternal King, King of kings, came and served Your subordinates .... You were made visible in the flesh attested by the Spirit, seen by angels,