True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 100 1030 the crowd gathered in glee, gathered around You; strangers You never even knew tore You apart incessantly; when You made Your first fall, they surrounded You, grinding their teeth at You, thinking You had already given up Your Spirit and would not make it for the Crucifixion; the earth quivered and quaked; the foundations of the mountains trembled; “I will not break My Covenant; I will not revoke My given Word; I have sworn on My Holiness, once for all .... My dynasty shall last forever;” Then the Anointed One gave up His Spirit ... There is a River1whose streams sanctify the dwelling2of the Most High; and when God is in the city, 3 it cannot fall; today, in this hour of crisis, when the devil gathered all his evil dominion against you, pouring out his contempt upon the nobly born, I, in My turn, call out My chosen ones, as it was My purpose to continue expanding My Church and progressing it, to bring within it many of My children into glory, it seemed to Me right to go through sufferings and become the prototype example for those who would follow Me in the future and become the bone of My Bone, the flesh of My Flesh and continue atoning for their brothers and sisters; I have never ceased appointing prophets, setting them in the way of the Truth for My Salvific Plan; I bring them to fulfil their noble vows that had risen to their lips at our Divine enamoured encounter; when they allowed, in their 1River: Holy Spirit. 2Dwelling: God lives in us. 3City: we are God’s city. great love for Me, and their noble conviction to be committed in My Salvific Plan, I stepped forward, and with My Royal Sceptre, I branded them with the same marks I, Myself, was branded, to resemble Me and turn them into My likeness; all those who truly accepted Me are not ashamed of Me; nor are they ashamed of those celestial marks showing that they do not belong to the world anymore; today you will recognise them by the zeal they have for My House, My House that dresses them, a zeal that devours them; you will recognise them when you see them putting up with insults for My Sake, calumny, spittle and persecution; yes, for My Sake they will allow themselves to be dragged in mire and constantly threatened; they will not hide their face from trouble but they will endure with peace all the trials and their hearts shall not be broken but sanctified; nor will they break their vow of fidelity of sharing My Cross; so if you happen to notice their wounds and you ask them: “who has made those wounds on you?” they will all tell you: “I have offered my back to atone for you; these wounds you see I have received with savagery in the house of my Master’s friends .... it is because I have been telling them the truth that they made me an enemy and treated me as such; they want to escape persecution for the Cross of our Saviour by not keeping the Law of Love; but it does not matter and I give no attention to my wounds because what is important to me is to know about the Cross, the Instrument of our redemption; the Cross of our Redeemer, through whom the world is crucified to me now and I to the world; 4 obedience to God comes before 4Ga. 6:14.