True Life in God Messages

Notebook 100 True Life in God 1029 Today again, is the day when innocent Blood was shed for my sake, and while Satan is spitting out his venom on Your Holy Name, I come to You, to console You and adore You; ah, Lamb of God, you have not overthrown your scourgers, nor ordered them to lay the scourge aside, You have not opened Your Mouth to plead: “I am worn out with the blows you deal me;” but remained silent towards Your tormentors; because Your Heart was smouldering with Passion; You remained silent, You remained silent so as not to aggravate Your Angels, already distressed; My friends and My companions shrank away from My Wounds and even the dearest ones kept their distance .... they had abandoned Me .... even to steady My step and keep Me from falling, while I was carrying My Cross, they were not there; My Heart was throbbing and My strength deserting Me; the light of My Eyes diminishing, while violent men were attacking Me, ranting in their speech with swords on their lips, My Heart writhed within Me; I could have asked the Angels to give Me wings like a dove, to fly away and find rest, and find a refuge from the storm of abuse, but I had answered when My Father called Me; Your Father heard Your plea and ransomed You and gave You His Peace, from the feud against You; Lying witnesses had taken their stand, yet You wept when they were sick and dying; like someone mourning his mother, You wept for them; Shame and dishonour was not of Your concern, facing the Cross; but in the face of Your tormentors, You cried out once more to the Father; “Eli, Eli, Lama sabachthani?” but the Father’s attention was turned on us, and saw all the human race, and pitied us ... so once more Your Father denied what Your lips were entreating Him as He had denied Your supplication in Gethsemane; Yahweh had leaned down from the heights of His Sanctuary and looking down on the earth, He heard the sighing of the captive and to set free those doomed to die, He sacrificed His only Begotten Son .... yes, indeed, My Father gave Me to all of you as a gift for your redemption with My entire Will too; Yet, Holy One, You who are one in the Father and the Father is one in You, You, for my sake, preferred to become on the Cross, the scorn of the men who surrounded You and the jest of Your people; I AKRA TAPINOSI1 “let Yahweh save Him,” they said, “if Yahweh is His friend let Him rescue Him!” but I heard nothing, as though I were deaf, as though dumb, saying not a word; I was like the one who, hearing nothing, has no sharp answer to make; My strength was trickling away from Me, the light had gone away from My Eyes; Ah Lord, when we stumble, Your Powerful Hand is there to save us, but, You, on the way to the Crucifixion, when You stumbled, 1Greek: the ultimate humility.