True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 100 1028 hence even the utmost wretched will have a Divine Visitation, for My Return is imminent; I will visit those who are not even familiar with My Divine Works; in their nothingness they have acquired nothing and have no knowledge of Me, nor have they ever known that I Am who I Am is their Master and God .... in your days when evil and wickedness are inhaled daily by this generation, My great Love compels Me to stoop down from My Throne and open the reserves of graces in Heaven to pour them unmeritedly upon this generation and save it; you may call it: a period of unlimited graces; I am He, who so lavishly sends the Holy Spirit to you, and I am not doing this because of your merits, but I am doing it because of the ineffable condescension of My Love; I will keep flooding you, generation, in your chaos, with unmerited graces, immersing you to raise you all to such nobility that when the moment comes to present you to the Father, your soul will appear gleaming gold, for I would have clothed you with Myself; listen to Daniel your guardian angel to what he has to say as a witness: “in your earthly state you will not be received in front of God’s Throne, no one has been received in that state, but you will be received by God, to enter Heaven, only when Christ will be your garment; only then God will recognise you ....” yes, this is why I will keep giving Myself continuously to you, giving you more of Myself to you and manifesting Myself to you in power and grace while I will be visiting you, adorning thus your soul with majesty and prodigality; I will, at the same time, be embellishing you, adorning you as a bride is adorned for her marriage by divine grace and virtue while My Mouth will be hymning to you Instruction in poetry, clothing you in Wisdom and Knowledge of Myself, honouring Us in Our Triune Holiness; the King, in His graciousness will saturate your soul to lift you from the prison of your flesh and enter into My Sublime Light, a Light ten thousand times brighter than the sun; approach Me then, you who would like to be deified and enter into the joy of Our Triune Holiness to become, in our Divine Union, gods by participation .... and you, who make My Heart desire you all the more in your ineffable weakness, My Vassula, I tell you: be one with Me, let My protective Hand guide you; let Me always be your sole Joy, the Sunshine of your soul, the gleaming Path of your life, the Enlightenment of your decisions; My Eyes are upon you, you can say, fixed on you; remember, beloved, when you are thirsty, come, little one, to Me, your Bridegroom, I will always have drink to give you; do not listen to the hisses, nor to the vipers’ tongues; the Holy Spirit has marked you with His Holy Seal and befriended you, marking you as Ours; come and enjoy a period of rest in Us; and if a passer-by asks you: “where is your rest?” reply and say: “my rest is in the Heart of Jesus Christ, the One who is nearest to the Father's Heart;”  April 28, 2000 (Orthodox Calendar: Good Friday –) My Lord, my Resurrection, my Blessedness, I lack nothing in Your Holy Presence, Lord, You open Your Mouth to speak to me and Light inundates me from Your Mouth; my Liturgy, my Litany, the Light of Wisdom, behold, stands before me;