True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 100 1026 as much as an inkling of what You have, in Your gracious condescension, given me! I know .... but give Me as much as your means can afford; empty yourself of all that comes from Me and is good and offer it to Me; (I understood then that our Lord was not only asking me to offer my services to Him alone but to be available as well, reaching others and coming out of my way, to be at the service of mankind and help them as much as I can. To serve the ‘neighbour’, practise virtue and keep nothing for myself.) yes, give! give to those who wait from you and bear witness on My Good Works and I will be with you; and as My Father said to you sometime ago, I tell you the same thing: “ravines may fold upon you and black clouds cover you, and clods of earth may cover you, but I assure you, I will be with you and you will go by unscathed;” remember: there is no frontier between you and Me; I am always with you, My loved one; ic; April 24, 2000 Have mercy, Lord, on this unfaithful generation of which I also make part of it! rouse My child and trust Me; have I not shown you My glory and what is in store for the people I love while in the Holy Land? listen, a man was known to have to keep blowing a furnace to produce any heat, and the sun is known to burn the mountains three times as much, but when My Spirit, who is pure fire, emerges from above, He is known to consume and put aflame everything He touches in no time at all, for who was known to have withstood His blaze? and He puts aflame everyone who loves Him, turning them into living torches so that their words may flare in the night of your dark generation; and like a torch in the darkness they will flare My Words; “creation!” they will cry out, “set out to find your Husband1 again!” they will flare My Words which will overturn the heresies and anything that is perverse; in My Name they2 will combat the forked weapons; 3 I mean to cultivate this society and make them understand that immortality is found in being kin to Our Triune Holiness; Our Royal Munificence will keep those chosen souls persevering; I am now to share with you My joy; ah, Vassula, I have observed him and what I saw pleased Me; I have consecrated him with royal prodigality and I have anointed him to preside over worship and teach My House My decrees and enlighten the land he lives in, on My Law, which is based on Love; although there will be those who will join forces against him, he himself shall go by unscathed; there will be jealous men who will hound him, but I will be on his side; 4 I refreshed you all, 5 have I not? I have granted you special favours, have I not? ah, Vassula, My Holy Countenance shall never dissipate from your heart for I have it engraved in you; I transcend earth and heaven in majesty and splendour so never get daunted, since I am the Ultimate and Unfathomable Wisdom, count on My Wisdom and 1God: “For now your Creator will be your Husband ...” (Is. 54:5) 2Our Lord is speaking of the apostles of the end of times. 3 I understood by ‘forked weapons’: the devil and his demons. 4 Jesus was speaking about a Greek Orthodox priest who delighted Him, nevertheless, Jesus already announced that his mission will not go by without persecution, but Jesus will be on his side. 5 While in the Holy Land. We were 450 pilgrims, family of TLIG, with 12 Church denominations.