True Life in God Messages

Notebook 100 True Life in God 1025 I have given you birth, I have opened the eye of your intellect to understand Me, see Me and see all the invisible things; I have opened your ear with drops of myrrh to listen like a disciple and I provided you with speech; I have set your feet on the way I wanted you to go, accompanied by a prince from the highest order of Archangels; I offered you drink from My Cup, so, will My Hand deal with you harshly? you have offered Me your life as an atonement for the rebellion and the division of My Church; I have been touched by your zeal and your concern for My Household; I am pleased that I have not heard you say instead: “leave that place, for Your Eyes are too pure to see what you see, leave them at their fate and touch nothing unclean over there ....” I was simply lost in amazement over your courage, but I had brought fire out of you; I opened your mouth .... beloved, I once said to you, that any delicacy from the part of My creatures to restore My tottering House, touches Me profoundly; I have not, My Vassula, appointed you only as My just herald but as My sentry as well over the House of the West; when you hear a word of My Mouth given to you, you are, bound to your vows of fidelity with Me, obliged to pass on to those I am sending you, My word of warning; if you would refuse to pass on My word to them, I would hold you responsible; if, however, you pass on My word to them and they do not repent, they will die for their sin, but you yourself will go by unscathed and you shall not be held responsible nor will you die; I have not only appointed you as an intercessor to the House of the East but to the House of the West, too; when you hear Me blazing with wrath for their rigidity which keeps them separated and therefore in sin, you are to intercede for them as you did; My Royal Authority will then deal gently with My Household; but as for the proud who would not repent, I will pluck them up by the roots and in their place I will plant the lowly; I am known to overthrow the proud; pride was not born of Me but of the devil.... so, be rich in poverty and water this arid land with My prophecies to you; he who waters will be watered by the King Himself; then the King Himself will pay you tribute and will address you in poetry and hymn; He will fill your mouth with honey and you shall speak for Him to the nations; I will be gracious to you, giving you more of My friendship to you; be happy, daughter; your King has favoured you and dressed you in brocades, perfuming you in His Presence, while myrrh wafts from His robes; He has allowed you in His palace and given you access in His nuptial chamber; I tell you, daughter: in My Household I will advance My step with you; I and you together, with all sorts of princes of the highest ranks from heaven in our train and we will enter in My Sanctuary, while My Presence will come upon them like dawn; so do not fumble with the sickle but hold it firmly and with a good grip too and reap, Vassiliki, reap! reap where My angels’ fingers point for you to reap and you will reap the reward of virtue; give to your King as much as He has given you .... I am only a puff of wind, how am I to give You as much as You have given me? You have given me Life! I will never, ever, ever, never ever, be able to give You