True Life in God Messages

Notebook 99 True Life in God 1023 has revealed His Mercy to us; no one can say: “I have not seen the saving power of our God in my house,” for in His Presence are splendour and majesty; for He comes, He comes to you all not to judge you, not yet, but to deify you; are you happy, Vassula? I am, more than happy; You planted me in Your House and I flourished in Your Courts, so that I proclaim Your Greatness, so how could I not be happy in Your Arms? no one will rob me of my happiness, no persecution, no abuse, no calumny, no insult and not even all hell thrown on me to tear me to pieces can rob me of the happiness You gave me and continue to give me; so let this earth learn who is God, and praise His Name; ah, blessed be Your Name, for ever! and I will tell you this: I swore an oath to you on My Mercy and on My Faithfulness; so I will continue to uphold you in My right Hand, giving you with My Presence an unbounded joy and a foretaste of the Beatific Vision; and I will continue being your Counsellor and your happiness, My child; ravines may fold upon you and black clouds cover you, and clods of earth may cover you, but I assure you, you will go by unscathed, and My Light upon you will radiate even more powerfully; be soothed with My Oil; I am determined to save this generation by parading My Mercy; so be happy all you who hear the melody of My Voice and have your fill in Me, your God; March 8, 2000 Bodyguard of my soul You have sprinkled my soul with myrrh, and covered my head with sweetly scented perfumes, by Your Presence; and now, I am again with You, Your closeness to You is wealth for my soul,my mind and my heart; Your closeness to Your royal Munificence renders me strong and eager, eager to reach an invincible holiness .... I love you; even in such wretchedness I can obtain My joy and My Word can abide in you through My transcendence; I am not speaking only for you and for this generation, but I am putting all of this on record also for the next generation, so that a race to be born can praise Me, your God; look how I am now leaning down from the heights of My Sanctuary .... ah, Vassula, Heaven has never leaned down so close to the earth as it is leaning now; some time ago I could hear from earth a sigh or two, but now, I hardly hear anything; this is why I am moved to pity you, generation; what I hear from the corpse in a bragging tone is: “look! I can live in a desert like the pelican; I can live in a ruin like the screech owl; I can live without God for I can do better than God ....” I then turn My Eyes the other way and look at My Own household and see haughty looks, proud hearts, mistrust, slander, cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop .... Lord! are You telling me that Your Hand is too short now to redeem? Have You suddenly not the Strength to save? You are known to be slow to anger, but not slow to intervene and save!