True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 99 1022 anointing her so that she would not resist My Prophetic Call;” Egypt! I raised a prophet from your land; you gave bread to My Son, so why should I not raise a prophet from you? from this prophet will issue My Word until the horns of the evil ones are revealed and exposed; when I speak, who can refuse to prophesy? 1 do two friends take the road together if they had not planned to do so? 2 no more do I do anything without revealing My Plans to My prophets, 3 and so I have with you, Vassula, revealed not only My Plans but My Holy Countenance as well; and all I foretold has come true at the appropriate time; the Word of Life was given to you freely to adopt you and make you god by participation; but Satan again will visit the minds of My people, knowing their ignorance, to bring them to temptation to cast stones at you for My expression; ah, if only the world would come to peace terms with My Triune Holiness, they would understand My sayings! I promise you, and this is your Father in Heaven speaking to you, the One of whom you said once: “my Father in Heaven, I know, has a weakness for me, but I too have a weakness for Him;” says to you, burning with Divine Love: “I will continue to cover you with My Sweetness, graciously deploying in you, giving Myself more to you, and filling your soul like a sweet substance so that you in your turn would give more of yourself to Me, becoming in this way one spirit with Me, one spirit with the Divine; then I will once more send you out to the nations, as My adorned gift, to instruct them with kindness, drawing them to Us into a filial love, expanding their heart to receive more of Us and all that is Divine; then in this tranquillity 1Am. 3:8. 2Am. 3:3. 3Am. 3:7. which I will bring their soul, they will suddenly see everything in Our Light, overpowering Satan’s temptations; from thereon they too will be called ‘gods by participation’ and they will rule with Us;” now, I have granted you and through you to others to understand your position; I restore nations through the sufferings and sacrifices of those whom I have chosen, although often they come to Me lamenting that they feel they have toiled in vain, and have exhausted themselves for nothing; they have done all that was ordered for them to do, glorifying Me, for they have been under My observance permanently, during their contemplation; this true theology which lifts the souls, soaring them up in the third Heaven, giving them a foretaste of the Beatific Vision, during which, in a supernatural way, I speak to them, honouring them to see their inheritance and the inheritance of all the saints; and while they are reposing in My Arms I bless them, invigorating My Fire within them to go out with zeal and without fear to proclaim My Word; Blessed is God and His Holy Name for He reveals with bounty His intentions to the winds who are His messengers; wrapped in a robe of light, His Majesty reveals to them His prowess; I call in my wretchedness to my God thrice Holy and like a gust of wind coming from nowhere He flowers me while descending on me; and I, like an opened flower, absorb His Divine Light; God has sung to me and to all of you, dear brothers and sisters! The One who is enthroned on the cherubs