True Life in God Messages

1012 True Life in God Notebook 98 fresh and blooming, and while you are seated in silent meditation, contemplating Us, uniting yourself to Us, the scent of your rose fragrances Us, sending Us a most delicate scent, while We watch over you, sending Our rays in you, keeping it fresh and blooming; were you to stop contemplating Us, the loveliness of your rose will fade away.... so, your Divine Bridegroom tells you: do not substitute your contemplation of Me with other things that withdraw you from My embrace; do not allow those who contest everything you say, My beloved, to dictate to you their whims, for I had sent you one of the noblest angels from My angelic choirs to lead you to Me; this heavenly prince withdrew you from the world, to enter, with Him, My heavenly Courts; a human heart is too small to understand all of what I have been doing to you, especially in your so evil times where so many learned men play the sages; I have, as I have told you, sent to you, to accompany you in your mission, a prince of heaven followed with other angelic forces, as I usually do for My chosen ones; having entered into My heavenly Courts, I courted you with poetry and religion, to turn you into My harp; I have made you experience what My Gaze could give you as delights, sending It to you as a gold gleam in your eyes, filling them with My Light; in My superabundant zeal to teach you with Wisdom, I overlooked your frailty; just as any pupil starts his school by learning the alphabet, I taught you My alphabet which is to give your whole mind to My Word; I allowed your eyes to see My glorious Majesty; I have entrusted you with something beyond all knowledge; be vigilant because your enemy would like to see you out of your devotion to Me and control you by overloading you with work, as a vessel when overloaded will sink; you, who are My vessel carrying My Divine Treasure, do not overload yourself lest you sink; I want to see you happy and more in contemplation of Me; your witnessing is not over; I will now let you plunge once more into My Divine Springs, granting your soul rest; 1 ah, how could I forget the moment I approached you .... with the greatest care so as not to frighten you away I stepped by your side; and with the greatest delicacy I revealed My Love to you which until then was quite unknown to you; you had never known before of My Infinite Mercy nor the Abyss of My Love; rejoice then, daughter, and unload your worries on Me, and let this be as a lesson to others as well, who carry more than they can carry; I do not want you to weary yourself, in order to be more productive and effectual for My Work; I said that you must not delay My Work and that you were to follow My pace alone; all of these messages come from on high and are inspired by Me; they can profitably be used for teaching, and for refuting error; they can be used for guiding the Church into Unity and for guiding people’s lives and teaching them to be holy; they are given to you for a better explanation2 to the Revelation3 given to you; they are an inexhaustible source of amazing grace for you all to renew you; I am the Giver of Life, the Renewer of all things; I am the Source of heavenly Manna; yes, indeed! I have approached you as you were, to make an amazing and prodigious union with you; unworthy you were, and far from My demand of ‘equality of love’, but 1 I believe too that God wants me in privacy with Him as His speech is rather personal. 2 I heard at the same time ‘understanding’. 3The Holy Bible.