True Life in God Messages

1010 True Life in God Notebook 98 Kindest Lover of mankind, You are once more sounding like music to my ears; God of unfailing Fidelity, You who are moved by creatures like me who have a crust of rust all over, You do not hesitate to cry out loudly in the heaven before anyone makes a move: “she is acquitted!” how is it possible then not to melt in love in Your Presence? and go out, running with both hands raised up, shouting at every cross-road: “My Creator is my Liturgy!” You have displayed Your Mercy from the earliest times; You are my Maker, superbly Beautiful and Gracious; Your Mercy, my Lord, is ever so great that the most intelligent elite in the Church will still sound like a fool if he tries to explain it; come, beloved, enter into the joy of your Lord; you have heard the Messages of your salvation (given to you) bestowing upon you at the same time a variety of gifts of My Grace; in the Power of the Holy Spirit exercise all that I have given you and do not get discouraged for I am with you; I am reminding you, little grain, that you are fighting in the same battle as all My Prophets fought; gales can blow on you, floods can rise to drown you, but nothing of these will overcome you, for I am with you and in My good care to withstand your frailty; lean on Me; and do not despair on the situation of the Church; ecclesia will revive! I am before you; June 30, 1999 I have been teaching you these days with delight, how all My sons and daughters can become gods by participation if they allowed Me to flow in them My Divine Love; I want to extend My Reign in them and take possession of them, as I want them to take possession of Me; if they would not contradict My Holy Spirit, He will take possession of them, and turn them into a blossoming garden; He will fill them with virtues and perform marvels within them to build up in them the fullness of Christ; if they allow Me to flow Myself in them I will turn them into adoptive sons and daughters of Mine; My Grace I reveal to you and salvation has been given to you through My Son, Jesus Christ; in order to set you free, He sacrificed Himself for you; in order for you to share a Divine Life, He constituted the Holy Eucharist to sanctify you and partake of His Body and Blood; you are not partaking any mere bread or wine, but you are partaking God Himself; if you would only reflect on this Mystery and understand it fully! the Inaccessible God is Accessible to you, the Invisible God is visible to you, and ready to divinise you; He whose grandeur surpasses all angelic forces and all beings and all that has been created, is at your disposal, creation! God Himself is being offered to you to give you back your divinity, divinising your soul to enter Eternal Life; if you allow Me to flow in you, I will make you understand all those things which are invisible to you, in order to