True Life in God Messages

Notebook 98 True Life in God 1009 have you not heard, that the Word of God is something alive and active: it cuts like any double-edged sword but more finely: it can slip through the place where the soul is divided from the spirit; 1 so, daughter, love Me as much as I love you and as perfectly as you can with the love that My Holy Spirit has so graciously infused in you, you will only be giving Me back what belongs to Me already; in the beginning2 I had asked you to love Me, and you answered: “I love you ...” and in My smiles, I said: “love Me more ...”; now My Holy Spirit progressed you to get to know Me and love Me bringing you to Me, as a bride is brought to her bridegroom and perform an everlasting union; in that same manner, but in a more ineffable way, the Holy Spirit brought you to an everlasting union of love with Us and in Us the Triune God; You are the Great Godhead, the Almighty, the awe-inspiring God, You are the incomprehensible Splendour, surpassing all the splendours of Your Angels put together; You, who fill all things without being contained neither by their limits nor by their very being; My hand trembles in front of Your Divine Majesty while I am writing; how to this day, Lord, could I conceive in my little mind still that the Prodigious Prodigy of prodigies Himself is in familiar communication with me daily and converses with me in this delightful manner? How do you want me to fully understand in my wretchedness, O Lord, that You, the Unseen God, the One who encompasses all beings, 1Heb. 4:12. 2The first communications, back in 1985. is speaking to me with such sweetness and tenderness? what mind is able to grasp this prodigy? You have blessed me with the unction of Your Name to save me and others through Your Hymn of Love; You have blessed me by a triple Resurrection Kiss and made me a close partner of Your Salvific Plan; Can anyone come to me and say: “I can measure the magnificence of God and His inexpressible grandeur”; No one can say this, because my Lord and my God is a fathomless Well of hidden and unknown Treasures. indeed I Am .... We3 have been calling you to rest in Our Arms, like a child in his mother’s arms, you are called as a child by grace, to share in Our Salvific Plan, you are all called to become gods by participation and enter in the Triune life to rule with Us; indeed I am Sovereign of your soul, oh, but such an intimate Friend as well, who can draw you into deification; in spite of your awesome wretchedness, at this moment while I am with you in this way, and you, while you are with Me in this way, enveloped in a holy contemplation, not even the most solemn festivals given in My honour are as delightful and pleasing to Me as in these moments of your contemplation; when My Divine Presence is with you, I rejoice in the presence of the one whom I have made to become the bone of My Bone, the flesh of My Flesh; I, by My Own Hand, raised a sanctuary, would I then not enjoy My Own good Work? 3The Holy Trinity.