True Life in God Messages

1008 True Life in God Notebook 98 days to all of you to transmit His Grace for a renewal of your heart; My maternal Love is grace to you as well; be good; Grant O Heavenly Mother the Grace of God on us all, so unworthy, to be able to ask God sincerely pardon for our sins and the sins of others; Grant us the inestimable treasure of God’s intimate friendship, and the noblest treasure of the divinity which is the closeness to God: God offering His Heart to all of us; Amen. I bless you; and forgive1 all those who cast stones at you; I want you fair, 2 and seek God’s ways always; June 21, 1999 3My daughter, in order to elucidate certain sayings of Mine and to progress your soul into the depths of Wisdom and of the knowledge of Myself, I appear to be repeating Myself sometimes, but this is one way of edifying your soul, progressing it gently into sanctity; I am pouring in you, since you have given Me, your God, the required space (in you), quantities of My Graces for the benefit of the Church; nothing of what I have written will go in vain; in fact the Church will fulfil its needs; I have raised you with royal prodigality, no, I have not raised you because I have found you worthy but I have called you by the free gift of My Grace and it is in My Justice that I grant these Graces; no one is innocent enough and worthy to receive from Me such royal prodigalities; 1 I was asked to forgive my oppressors. 2 I understood, ‘beautiful’ (spiritual beauty). 3The Father speaks. never tire studying the pages of all the notebooks I filled, for they are brimming with knowledge and with the sweetness of My Heart, unveiling My Beauty by enhancing it in your soul ... I shone inside you, I shone a brilliant light within you to wake you up so that you leave behind4 you all the world’s trivialities; I performed prodigies in you to sing poetry to Me; to extend My Kingdom in you I poured Myself in you, lifting your soul into a spiritual jubilation, so that I hear from My chosen one My Own Canticle of Love; and thus, all that you received of Divine value returns to Me, the Author of Prodigies; ah, Vassula, when I raise souls by Grace in that mysterious way and they see what eye has never seen and hear what ear has never heard and learn things beyond the mind of man, I am glorified in My Glory; and as I advance in your nothingness taking delight at every step I take, I approach My aim of bringing your soul to My demand, and that is: equality of My Love; no one can ever reach on earth that height of My Love; you will say: “then why does My God who transcends greatness and fullness, demand something of me that I cannot fulfil?” I only demand what belongs to Me already; 5 I have sent you My Holy Spirit to dwell in you and make Our Love known to you, transfiguring your soul to desire Us, to be able to declare with delight: “I possess God, and He possesses me!” My Vassula, one has to receive this inestimable grace, to pronounce these words, words spoken so sweetly, motivated by the Spirit of Love, whom you allowed to dwell in you; 4 I understood also, “empty yourself from”. 5 In other words, after having given our will to God, He fills us with the Holy Spirit of Love to love. This love, no matter to what degree it is, belongs to God, for He gave it.