True Life in God Messages

Notebook 98 True Life in God 1007 Treasures of My Heart; I am the Divine Source of Graces; he who journeys in the dark will end up his journey in the dark; he who chooses to journey in the light will end up his journey in the light; I am the Light of the world; anyone who follows the Light will not be walking in the dark, but will radiate the light of life; I am the Life .... generation, why, why do you torment your soul in those obscure regions of Satan, subduing your will to his evil designs? I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and it is through Me you could enter heaven; if you say you are weak, come to Me and draw strength from Me so that one day you too will be able to chant: “my Triune God, has shone in my heart; the Living God has given me, the unworthy one, a spiritual resurrection, and as Moses was enveloped by a cloud, I am being enveloped by mystical learnings coming from Holy Wisdom; and as the sun inundates the creation with its light, my Lord and my God has inundated my soul with His Teachings and has poured in me torrents of Divine Love; He has given me instructions and knowledge again through Holy Wisdom, to understand His Glory and to comprehend that He is The Divine Bridegroom of all His creation; His exuberant Love drew my soul into the nuptial chamber of His Heart where a divine union was performed; then my Beloved rose, afire with majestic Love to show me His Treasures; and in this nuptial chamber, where my Beloved keeps all His Treasures, I discovered: - the treasure of knowing and understanding God; - the treasure of intimacy; - the treasure of joy and consolation; - the treasure of the path of virtues; - the treasure of the Holy Spirit; - the treasure of Holy Wisdom, an inexhaustible treasure to men; - the treasure of sweet converse with the Divine; yes, indeed, the Lover of mankind has enriched me with His Love and filled my heart with His inexhaustible treasures;” Love compels Me to yield My Royal Sceptre, taking pity on this generation’s desolation; Love compels Me to deploy limitless Mercy on your aridity, generation, leading Me to bend all the way to you and cover you with My precious Blood to conceal your imperfection; now, My Vassula, I will have you converse with My Mother... call in mind, My child, the pierced side, feet and hands of your Saviour, Jesus Christ, who eternally sits on the right hand of God the Father and reigns in Glory; Jesus and I are in constant intercession for the salvation of souls; My Immaculate Heart too is pleading the Father to obtain His Mercy for this generation; here I am grieving again for the injustice done to so many of My children, 1 increasing God’s Cup of Justice; I need acts of reparation and prayers to remedy this evil; cry out to the Father and say: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing;” then come and cloister yourself in My Royal Heart; there you will find your peace but at the same time you will taste and feel My agony and sorrow in the depths of My being as I am moved by what I see; I see this flow of ceaseless evil, without a moment’s interruption, which comes from Satan; to put an end to all of this, I need from all of you acts of reparation and constant prayers .... without repentance evil will increase; God is sending Me in these 1 Our Blessed Mother was referring to the Kosovo crisis.