True Life in God Messages

1006 True Life in God Notebook 98 and His Marvels? and yet some think they can; Being too ready to show they know shows their shallowness of mind; This is why the Holy Spirit conceals His Treasures from them, and keeps them for the lowly; Yes, Lord, in every way You have made it known, through ages, that You exalt the lowly and the proud of heart You rout; You have never disdained the poor in spirit, but stood by them always and everywhere. April 25, 1999 It is known that You, my God, take always the side of the virtuous: So please, give my eyes light, let my heart rejoice in You, Lover of mankind; Lord, You, in all Your Sovereignty, bent the heavens all the way to my room and You came down; You left Your Throne. 1God is inside His city now and she will not fall as long as He lives in her … My heart and soul have been nourished by the King; (I answered the angels.) yes! 2 the King has favoured you, moved by your wretchedness, He yielded His Royal Sceptre to address His poem to 1 Suddenly angels appeared and with great joy, said these words almost like a melody. 2Again the angels responded. you and bless you; come! meditate on God's marvels .... Ah ... my heart has become like liquid in His Presence; how can I forget God’s Tenderness? how can I forget His marvellous kindness? I3 am on your side; My glance is on My chosen one; I have blessed you for you are one of those who sprouted from My Heart, still dripping with myrrh; I have engraved all over you these words: “Your Lord God desires equality of Love from you;” yes, I alone can clothe you in My splendour and give you the indispensable Light; I alone, in My Divinity can impress upon your soul My Image of Holiness; it is I, your God, who can perfect you and lift you to travel with Me in My company; come to Me and prolong your gaze on My Holy Face so that you may understand fully that you are joint heiress with Me, united to Me and in Me .... receive, daughter-of-theKing, 4 more of Me, allowing Me to receive more of you; My wish is to give more of Myself to you, so that you can give more of yourself to Me; I will be obtaining in this way all that belongs to Me already; through My Divine Love that will be poured in you, you will be deified, transfiguring your soul, so that My Father identifies you on Judgement Day with Me; in your so miserable times, generation, where sin has become your master and is being poured in you like venom, I, the Master of Love and Mercy, pour in abundance on you, to heal you, the antidote, that is My Holy Spirit; I pour in abundance on you My Mercy, with anointed Messages from the 3The Lord God spoke now. 4Which in Greek is: Vassiliki.