True Life in God Messages

1004 True Life in God Notebook 97 The Spirit of God speaks through me, His Word is on my tongue, He embedded me in His Heart like a precious stone on a crown, He stooped from His Throne to lay on my path a bed of roses; You have yielded Your Sceptre to a non-existent creature never caring whether this merciful gesture of Yours would cheapen Your Sceptre; I have been taught learnings of the Sages in Your Bosom, from a filthy rag You’ve turned me into Your herald, Blessed is Your Name. Amen. March 9, 1999 The Spirit of God revealed to me how one becomes a child of God; being thus freed, we can now enjoy the same freedom and glory as the rest of the other children of God. The Spirit of Love has unfolded in front of my eyes the Glory of the Triune God with all Their Splendour and Treasures. And now I can say with tranquillity in my soul: “The Spirit has captured my soul and turned me into His belonging, and at the same time gave me my real freedom. In His Grace He offered me a Royal Festival, He offered Himself to me. Then, like a River, He flowed in me, renewing me without ceasing, renewing my union with the Triune God; Supplier of all gifts, You have given me Your friendly Flame communicating with me in Person, bringing me to the Father and to the Son, uniting my soul to them as well; Divine Flame of my heart, You who transfigured Your abode to Your taste to satisfy Yourself and satisfy me, I now shout for joy! I can hear now a Voice and I can no longer say: “I do not recognise”; I feel a Breath sliding over my face and I cannot deny that Someone is standing before me, smiling, shining, how can I say: “I am not in the presence of the Divine”? Now I have opened my mouth but my tongue shaped those words through the Spirit and if my heart will utter words of wisdom, again it will be through the Spirit of Grace. My Vassula, 1 I want equality of love .... love Me and aspire from Me all the divine inspirations which belong to the sons and daughters of the Most High; I have set Our dwelling-place2 in order, I have put everything straight, because I am a God of order; I have been visiting you as I did with the Apostles to restore Our sanctuary3 for Our good pleasure, then I have set My Throne inside you; I revealed My gifts and My treasures to you, and I adorned you with My mere Presence, it pleased Me to possess you, and pour in you My Wisdom so that your soul shines forth in splendour; I have immersed you in Our limpid springs, to revive you; – And I can say now: “I found rest, and I am enjoying Your Riches;” even when I depart from this earth I will leave these Treasures for future generations that are to come. 1The Holy Spirit speaks. 2My soul. 3My soul.