True Life in God Messages

Notebook 97 True Life in God 1003 and become another child, by adoption, of the Father; I am the Sovereign Master of your soul but your Friend as well, giving you access to free speech, allowing you to express your opinion, your thoughts and your free will which I have restored to you; so you see, My Vassula, what it is like to be a daughter by grace as the Word is Son by nature? you have been called to participate in this Divine Salvific Plan but to enter as well in the Triune life; come and breathe in Me and fill your soul with Our Divine Love, this Divine Love that draws you into a perfect union with Us; 1listen, My chosen one, I know how diligent you are when it comes to My Interests and My Glory; I know too how much sacrifice you offer to the world to convert and how devout and eager you are to console Me when you see Me stretching out My Hand imploring, beseeching My House to unite by reconciling and making peace, and I know too how you feel when you see Me tearful for the rejection I get; but now, in My turn, I want once more to reassure you of the favours I granted you and of My affection I have for you; yes, I know too how My absences2 can leave you in pain even though they are not of long duration but are temporary, Ah my Anointed One, my mind still cannot conceive Your absences without being anguished. ah, but I have sworn an oath which I never will retract, this of ending your mission together, of never abandoning you; victory is near, for the Power of My Love is far greater than the power of evil 1Jesus continued. 2 In the sense of not receiving a call. and all hell put together; so rejoice and allow Me to keep you in My service, keep your ears opened to the Voice of Holy Wisdom; it is My ardent wish to instruct you and then I can complete on you the Divine Work I had started; cloistered in Me, in My Heart, I want you to be in a permanent state of contemplation in which your soul remains tranquil and inebriated with My sweetness; keep aspiring from My Heart My revelations and instructions, so that you forward them to this generation and for all others to come; the Holy Spirit will continue to favour you with His Sublime Light into your intellect and through this Light you will embellish My Church; remain small, truly small, allowing His power of action to be even more efficacious; profess the Creed with love and proceed in Our Light and never doubt of Our Wealth, of Our Mercy and of Our Tenderness shown to you; My Father has opened your heart by a mere Glance of His, like a sharp ray of Light that incises, He opened your heart and filled it with Our luminous and Divine Light, revealing Our Image within you, turning your heart into Spring, renewing you with a flow of virtues, renewing Our Sanctuary and Our Domain so that you may be the just herald who would allow Us to engrave on you Our Love Hymn, enriched with boundless mystical knowledge and understanding; come, My Divine Plan will be accomplished in you with Tenderness and not with sorrow; receive My blessings and do not fear; I have engaged you for this apostolate of Unity and by engaging you I honoured you to engage you to My Cross so that you may absorb all Its phases; embrace It with love and remember Its victory! I, Jesus, who am near you, bless you; ic;