True Life in God Messages

1002 True Life in God Notebook 97 praises to Me for sending them as ‘ambassadors of the Most High’ to be among you; but instead of pondering over My Words, your endurance is affected by your inclinations towards sensationalism; these people are like Scriptures say of them: “they are like a drowsy man, besotted with sleep whom you are trying to rouse up, having explained to him certain things, when you have finished he will say, ‘what is it all about?’ his heart, like a broken jar will not hold any of My given knowledge, then, like a fool he is led astray;” this is why Satan has raised so many false prophets, who ape1My Teachings and My Divine Actions; so many of you are reading what does not come from Me but are of human origin and a false creation by the evil one; but I will call all hidden deeds, good or bad, to judgement; I called out from the very beginning: “come all of you who wander in this desert and discover Me, your Triune God;” see, there is no closed door from My side, but My Calls are not heeded nor are they honoured; My frequent visits to you, together with My chosen one, bringing all the way to your feet My Salvific Love Hymn to renew you and restore My tottering House, have been left uncultivated; to some of you, I said: “I will now strip you of My visits since you seem to be indifferent to My request of multiplying the fruits of her labours in your hands by evangelising;” and so I have; moreover, this departure and abstinence is necessary for your growth; this is the hour, or never, to take up the sickle and reap vigorously; reap a harvest you never prepared yourself and have My blessings; 1 I understood that some are copying even these Messages. Vassula, My adoptive child, learn that We2 are constantly by your side, transforming you through loving union; I have immersed you in My limpid springs, 3 that flow from My Mouth to teach you Wisdom, penetrating you in Us for a deeper understanding of Our Triune Deity; therefore, who could have given you such tranquillity, such freedom of the spirit, who could have covered you with sapphires? 4 and now who is giving you rest in His Arms withdrawing you from creatures? from the beginning I have sent you, with royal prodigality, still dripping from My limpid springs, to be among the wretched and the poor; you have germinated in My springs, and as Moses, whom I had enveloped by a cloud, I have you enveloped in My Arms in a holy contemplation, during which your soul and mind are lifted in the Divine; 5 in My benevolence and the ineffable condescension of My Love I have given you now and then glimpses of the Beatific Vision; to keep you happy I have appeared on you, sometimes like a transparent veil, and at other times I englobed you entirely, to show that you come from My limpid springs; to encourage you I have given signs in your assemblies and wonders to accompany you and the mission I have given you; this generation has been witnessing dazzling wonders; ah! 6 if only some would value more the treasures We have been pouring on them ... 7I am the vivifying substance of your soul and He who brought you into a filial love with Our Divinity to lead a divine life 2The Holy Trinity. 3The Word of God. 4Sapphires represent here virtues. 5 In God. 6This was a sigh from God. 7Suddenly the Holy Spirit uttered these Words.