True Life in God Messages

Notebook 97 True Life in God 1001 these times are the times in which Scriptures1 speak of My Day and of a devouring fire, when the sky will break into flames, and woe for the unrepentant heart! how much more could I have warned you, generation? My divine visitation is imminent and the Fire of the Purification is nearing in which your souls would melt like wax, by its heat; I have offered you, generation, and I am still offering you the condescension of My intimate and divine friendship, but you have not accepted it and many of you have not understood what the Bridegroom was offering you; daughter, remember that I have you enveloped into My special care; have you not heard the testimonies of those2 I had given the grace to see My Countenance on you, invigorating them with My appearance? so do not underestimate My divine Power; I will continue to show Myself on you, adorning you with My Countenance for this pleases My Father; keep your eyes fixed on your frailty, your wretchedness, your imperfections and your so many misgivings, then graciously give Me always the liberty to demand from you your time and your willingness to christianise this dechristianised society of yours, interceding lovingly as well for the Unity of My Church; let your sole interest be on My Interests; plead for the conversion of sinners; these prayers offered to Me are like an aromatic fragrance of incense; this3 sigh of yours fragranced My Heart and it was My pleasure to receive it ... 12 P. 3:1–18. 2Many people in different nations witnessed Christ’s Holy Face appear on my face. 3 Suddenly I gave a sigh for I knew my mission given to me by the Most High: to plead, to make reparations, and trot the world evangelising, without rest, so that my life turns into an unceasing prayer and sacrifice. love Me and make reparations for those who recrucify Me daily .... enjoy My Presence, I am with you; I, Jesus bless you; ic; March 3, 1999 Lord? I Am; ...naha lishbu firü nabish khaleh shbekh nirü malekh bissä; mbarakh abshan khedir lah coghar; 4 I am your Saviour, your All, your Heaven; blessed is he who receives Me; have my Peace; I, Jesus, bless you; it is marvellous to see you depend entirely on My Power! I would hate to see you become habitual and not depend on grace; see? My Divine Presence, how distinct it is when I am in communication with you? Vassula, hear and write: “your salvation lies in conversion and tranquillity;” this was one of My Themes that I was addressing to all of you in these past years; but in return for what the Bridegroom5 was offering, He still receives hostility and disdain; He calls out and says: “My Return is imminent, be prepared to receive Me in grace while Grace is still at your very doors!” but in your lethargy, generation, your darkness continues to increase in you, growing ever more arrogant; My Light is shining so bright, yet in your obscurity, generation, no one sees it; here I come to illuminate your dreadful night but to this day My Holy Spirit is not honoured; you fill yourselves, generation, with all that is not holy and is an abomination in My Eyes, you hear of emissaries sent from Me, and you show your gratitude by raising your hands calling out your 4All of this was given to me in an unknown language. 5 Jesus calls Himself ‘The Bridegroom’ in this passage.