True Life in God Messages

1000 True Life in God Notebook 97 No; not in the whole; Your Message is expanding, and I see Your Glory and Your Power; great are Your achievements, my God; You have let Your children see Your Glory; You rule over everything ... and You are expanding Your Holy Message of True Life in God .... so do not fear; whosoever bows you down, I will raise you up again; I have raised you up to be My pupil; it is I, your Bridegroom, so come, enter into the joy of your Lord! listen carefully and write: to this day My Merciful Calls have not been given much attention, 1 neither have My warnings been regarded; My pupil, My Return is imminent, I have sent you out to proclaim My Words in this world, and to speak in My Holy Name but many still would not listen; Satan’s hour is coming to an end for My triumph is near; this is why he holds so many captive, bound with apostasy; bound with falsehood; generation! generation, your apostasies have been many but greater than this one I have not seen and today this evil generation refuses to listen to My Merciful calls and continues to follow the dictates of their own hardened hearts; shrugging their shoulders, they say, My daughter: “we prefer to do as we please ...” and they settle for evil .... since they have abandoned the Fountain of Living Water they shall die in their apostasy; My Father is more than offended; how much longer will the earth be divided and riven? how much longer will My Church be divided and in rebellion? 2 the Spirit of My Father is constantly blasphemed and ridiculed by many of My ministers; has this generation not yet 1Not as much as it was expected. 2 I heard at the same time: unreconciled and not in peace. heard an uproar from heaven? have you not yet heard from the highest heaven a lamentation from the saints? ah, Vassula, to see these souls3delight in their abomination, how would heaven not claim vengeance? and I would add with tears in My Eyes, that many of My Church’s dignitaries trust more on what is thought highly of by men, yet forget that by Me these things are loathsome in My Sight; I ask you solemnly: do I not fill heaven and earth? will I not then pour out My Holy Spirit on all mankind and carry out My Promise? and so I tell all those who follow the dictates of their hardened hearts: “since you do not see the earth being filled with the brightness of the glory of My Spirit, and you continue to call evil what is good and holy, by your own incredulity you will draw upon your heads your own sins;” blessings on him who believes, may they enter into My Joy! I would not like anyone to fall in the path of delusion and believe that My Father’s wrath has diminished; His Mercy is great but His severity is as great; and ah, generation, how can you escape damnation? what you have been sowing all these years you will reap .... so, Vassula, your race is not over, extol My Name in My assemblies; 4 I have given you a spiritual gift to be able to turn the hearts of fathers towards their children and the hearts of children towards their fathers; many would profit from your gift, and from your labours; those who will listen will receive in their hearts sanctifying graces and by these graces much of the rust of their sins would be healed, because they would have been those who had welcomed My Holy Spirit of Grace; 3The souls: the generation which apostatised. 4The Lord means, in the prayer meetings.